Sunday, October 06, 2013

Things Accomplished To Date

The movers showed up on Wednesday, and really, I had everything so well organized all I could do was get out of their way to load up the truck. So, I sat and crocheted on the lap blanket/throw. I felt a bit guilty, to be honest, just sitting there crocheting away while the young men hauled ass to load up the truck. Then again, that *is* what I paid for them to do.

And after about 34 hours since Thursday morning, I finally got the new digs 85% pulled together. My new area for my knitting library:

 photo knit1_zps887055bd.jpg

The storage closet wants a sort, re-boxing, and re-packing:
 photo knit_zps498b3da1.jpg

Until such time I have the energy, at least the bins are clear and I can find the necessary yarns for projects.

And when I was taking breaks between unpacking shifts, I managed to finish the project:
 photo wrap_zps73f241a4.jpg

* * *

5.5 mm (I)

HiKoo by Skacel Collection, Inc. Tiara
376 yards, 200 grams 2 skeins = 376.0 yards (343.8m)
Colorway: iris blue

Plymouth Yarn Baby Alpaca DK
375 yards, 150 grams 3 skeins = 375.0 yards (342.9m)
Colorway: cream