Monday, March 21, 2016

Project Critical Mass

I was visiting one of my favorite people this weekend, and we were chatting about projects for ourselves. I remarked to her, "I think I've reached critical mass for scarves, mittens, wraps, and hats for myself."

She looked at me over her salad and I looked at her over my chicken and waffles (she's always a more nutritious eater than I am), and we laughed. It's true, she knits these beautiful sweaters and gorgeous lace shawls for herself (the shawl pictured is one she knit for me):

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 photo k sweater 1_zps8h37ocow.jpg

 photo k sweater 2_zpsgiye1z0c.jpg

 photo CapShawlKC82011.jpg

I'm always working on smaller projects because I get bored easily:

 photo 11988320_1144422915573682_8658840679704246856_n_zps2ajcj11o.jpg

 photo scarf_zpswb3bldpx.jpg

 photo tank with knitted lace_zpspbbt9kb2.jpg

We talked about the projects we make for other people, and that's not a problem. We know we're making it for a specific person, choose the appropriate project and most suitable yarn for it, then it's out the door when completed.

I said something to the effect that I should probably concentrate on all those socks I've been meaning to knit for myself. Before old age robs me of my sight and all those things I need to knit. So I've cleaned up my projects list, I've saved one final scarf because I can't resist trying to knit a plaid scarf for myself.

We'll see what happens by the end of the year.