Friday, December 27, 2013

Kniting Gifts Revealed

Dishcloths for the "adopted" girly girl. The last one is a crocheted pot scrubber that resembles an ear of corn, because we're in Iowa and it's easy to amuse myself apparently.

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The yarns used for the dishcloths:

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A Santa Hat for the Dead Fish Hat I made a month or so ago for the same girly girl. Tank is modeling the hat, then she woke up, and became terribly excited thinking I was waiting for her to wake up so I could immediately feed her a snack only 20 mins after having her dinner.

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The Shark-tastic! mittens about 90% completed for the Child O'Mine. It's missing its red mouth bits and teeth. And the eyes are only taped on. They'll be complete by tomorrow (12/28).

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